How Busy Moms Stay Organized

how busy moms stay organizedMoms are often attempting to take care of several things at once. It can seem overwhelming to stay organized and manage the needs of the entire household.

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If you feel like you need more organization in your life, you can find some great ideas right here to help you.

Home Organizing 101

The first trick is to have a place assigned for the various things in your home. Items should be close to where they are used.

You may find it beneficial to label certain drawers or cabinets to help remind others in the home where to return things when they are finished using them.

If you know that you need an item in two different areas, it may be a good idea to purchase duplicates.

For example, if you have a dry erase board in the kitchen for people to write down when a package is empty, and another one by the phone for messages, make certain that each one has a marker. Many of these boards have magnetic surfaces so the markers can stay attached to their proper board.

Develop a routine for everyone. You may even find it easier if you post the routine. By doing this, everybody knows what time meals are served and when to clean. It may take some time to get your family into it. Practice the routine in a friendly and fun way until everyone has it down.

Clear The Clutter

Clean out your closets and other areas on a regular basis. When your children have outgrown clothes, donate them or store them in a properly labeled “hand-me-downs” box.

Make a rule for yourself that if you purchase a new item of clothing that you give one away.

The same goes for toys. When your children receive new toys, allow them to pick out the same number of toys to donate or sell at a consignment shop.

Get Everyone Involved

Involve the rest of your family. You should not have to do all of the organizing on your own.

If your children have a tendency to bring stuff into the living room and leave it there, get a box for each child and label it.

At a certain time each day, have the children go through the house and put all of their belongings in the box and return them to their room.

Plan Ahead

Another way to stay organized is to plan your meals a week or two weeks at a time. Make a list of what you plan to serve.

Then, go through your refrigerator and cabinets, marking down the items you already have.

Then, make your grocery shopping list.

It is helpful if you make meals that the extras can be used for the following evening.

For example, you can make a double batch of meat for your tacos one night. Stuff them in burritos the following evening.

These are just a few simple ways that will increase the organization of your home. Start implementing them today. You will be amazed at how much easier it is to stay organized once you have begun.

You can also ask other moms for any secrets that they may have that help them to stay organized.


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